Practice Risk Solutions

Tailored Insurance Solutions for Contractors of FYidoctors

Regular interaction with patients is a consistent part of any optometric practice and is a daily occurrence. With this in mind, you may face situations where your patients look to hold you responsible for injuries they deem to have received.

Professional Liability insurance protects you against liability or allegations of liability for injury or damages that have resulted from a negligent act, error, omission, or malpractice that has arisen out of your professional capacity as an optometrist.

It is important to note that coverage is afforded on a “claims-made and reported” basis and will respond to claims made during the policy period. This means that the policy which is in place when a claim is made will be the policy to respond – regardless of when the incident occurred. Therefore, it is extremely important there is no lag or gap in coverage between policy periods. Coverage needs to be continuously in place to ensure you are continuously protected.

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